Six Months of Lawless French

3 December 2014

Bonjour les Francophiles sans loi !

Today marks the half anniversary of Lawless French, born when I decided to give up my 15-year freelance position as About’s French language Guide, and pour my efforts into my own site instead. Six months later, Lawless French consists of more than 900 pages, including 250 verb conjugation tables and as many Subjunctivisor answers. Those seem like huge numbers, and yet it will take many, many years for Lawless French to come anywhere near the breadth and depth of content I wrote for my former site. I’m grateful to all of you for hanging in there with me.

I still have a lot of ground to cover, so I try to add at least one new piece of content a day.* Though I have a fairly detailed plan of attack, I’d still love to hear which lessons you’re eager to see here. No promises, but your requests will help me prioritize.

At the moment, most of the lessons are intensive rewrites of my old lessons, many of which end up being substantially better than the originals. The reading and listening exercises are exclusive to Lawless French, and I really hope you find them helpful and enjoyable.

Once again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for following me here to Lawless French, and for your comments and donations which keep me inspired and allow me to continue in my dream job as a virtual French teacher.

Bonne continuation !


Laura K. Lawless

*This is my fairly-consistent-but-not-set-in-stone schedule:

lundi vocabulaire  
mardi prononciation infolettre
mercredi grammaire  
jeudi lecture  
vendredi expression infolettre
samedi verbes  
dimanche compréhension orale  

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3 Responses

  1. supecoop 6 December 2014 / 19:42

    Congratulations on reaching this anniversary. I like your own site much better than, and I really liked your work there. Since you asked for ideas, I’m wondering whether it would make sense to have a list and explanation of generic verb prefixes, like “re,” “par,” “sur,” “sub,” so that students could watch for them and divine the meaning of the changed verb+prefix.

  2. cmery 4 December 2014 / 20:41

    Hi laura,

    I’d like to thank you for all the hard work you’ve put into this can’t-live-without blog, I’ve been learning french all this year and your site has certainly helped me improve in so many ways!
    Greetings all the way from chile.


    • Scott 5 December 2014 / 18:25

      Félicitations! A mon avis ce siteWeb c’est le meillur pour l’étude du français. C’est ma source principale pour l’information et les nouvelles idées. Merci encore!

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